Monday, April 30, 2007

Beez on Beale Street

Continuing on the theme of local bands and bars, here's another great bar experience of mine. I was in Memphis several years ago and stopped by the B.B. King's Blues club. The band that was playing that night was fantastic. Enjoying myself tremendously, I decided to buy their CD. Got all of them to autograph it too!

The band was the King Beez and the CD I bought was Against The Grain. This was a great, energetic band playing with a clean, strong, percussive sound. They handled the big band blowout songs just as well as the down, slow, groovy blues numbers.

The CD is outstanding, with the great instrumental title track and some good pure blues. Looking at the bios on their web site, it appears that the only members still playing from the lineup I saw are the founders James Jackson and Solomon McDaniel. Also, unfortunately, it almost appears that they have evolved into a blues cover band. The album Against the Grain has mostly originals except for one song. The key songwriter on the CD (David Bowen) seems to have left the band. Too bad. Listen to this tune - you won't be surprised that I heard this band at the B.B. King's Blues Club on Beale Street!

1. The King Beez - I Wanna Git It (4.43 MB; 128kbps MP3)

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