Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Buy Blackman!

So far, this blogging has been fun. Even though I started doing this just for fun and haven't found the time to publicize this blog at all, it is delightful when it yields surprises. I'll admit it is exciting when I find someone is actually reading what I write. It is even more exciting when what I write is read by someone I write about.

In a recent post, I had talked about this great Atlanta band called Starbuck. While researching the band for my post, I found out that the founder of the band, Bruce Blackman was still around and that the Starbuck releases available on Amazon were apparently not the original album recordings but instead some low quality demos released by someone looking to make a fast buck.

Imagine my delight when I found that Bruce Blackman himself somehow found his way to the blog and posted a comment about the imminent release of all the band's original recordings on his own label. I was relieved that he didn't yell at me for posting an MP3 of his song and I am ecstatic that the original recordings are to be released, I really hope to hear them soon. One of the best parts of the recording I had posted (as mentioned in my previous post) was the sonic quality of the recordings. I sincerely hope they have been remastered to preserve that sonic excellence.

I'm so happy to hear from Mr. Blackman that today's post has no song (you've had plenty over the last few weeks), but instead includes a link to I urge you to keep checking the site for information on the release of Starbuck recordings. Perhaps Mr. Blackman will drop by here and post a comment once those CDs are available on the site.


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